Wellbeing Services

Vitamin B12 Replacement Therapy

Treatment focus

Injectable Replacement

Cobalamin, or Vitamin B12, is an essential vitamin required to regulate metabolism and form red blood & nerve cells.

A deficiency in B12 can cause symptoms of fatigue, lethargy, pale skin, pins & needles, mouth ulcers and brain fog. Vitamin B12 replacement therapy is only available on the NHS within strict parameters. Those who are borderline deficient, and those who return a low normal blood level but are symptomatic are often left without a quick treatment option.

Likely candidates for treatment

Patients who are not eligible for treatment on the NHS often seek private treatment. For example, if oral medication has not helped symptoms. Those with a vegan diet and perimenopausal women are often borderline deficient in B12.

Sharon Muir BSc/RGN/INP

Thorough consultation is required before treatment is commenced. I have a strict criteria. B12 injections are not a quick 'pick me up' and should not be given to those unlikely to require it.